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New safety measures implemented in the Sunny House to reduce the spread of Covid-19


We at the Sunny House are doing everything to keep you our guests and the team safe. We are providing maximum flexibility in the pandemic situation with the COVID-19 and we are always ready to welcome you with the hospitality you’ve come to expect. We have bought Daikin air purifier Streamer MC55W devices form the Bittel company that is the authorized importer and Daikin’s exclusive representative for Bulgaria.

Healthy air is vital to our quality of life and well being. But as buildings become more airtight, fresh air circulation is much reduced. Daikin offers a variety of ventilation, air purification and large scale air handling solutions to help provide a fresh, healthy and comfortable environment in homes, offices, hotels, stores and other environments. Breathing clean air is one of the joys of life and is certainly a major health benefit. Clean air delivered at the right humidity and in the right place is a perfect foundation for optimal comfort. Daikin’s air purifiers filter out particles, allergens and unpleasant odours to deliver clean air for you to breathe and so optimizing your comfort levels and reducing health risks.